PPDM Competition Policy (Anti-Trust)

PPDM is a not-for-profit society organized and incorporated In the Province of Alberta. As a society, the business conduct of PPDM is governed by Canadian competition law, namely Canada’s federal Competition Act, R.S.C., 1985 c. C-34, as amended (the “Act”). The purpose of the legislation is to prevent anti-competitive practices in the marketplace and encourage competition in Canada.

The Commissioner of Competition is entrusted with enforcement of the Act and the Canadian federal government engages its own governmental agency, the Competition Bureau, to administer the Act, including investigation of complaints and enforcement of breaches of competition legislation. Further, the Competition Tribunal, a quasi-judicial administrative body, is a specialized tribunal which is mandated to hear and adjudicate any matter arising under the Act, including complex matters involving mergers, misleading advertising and restrictive trade practices.

PPDM has not adopted a formal policy for its organization related to anti-competitive practices given the existing Canadian law and the sophisticated and specialized federal governmental organizations that enforce the legislation and adjudicate these matters. The directors of PPDM concur that at this time based on the current mandate and operations of the organization a formal anti-competition policy is not necessary. PPDM recognizes that it is required to comply with Canadian legislation and conducts the business of its organization accordingly.

Please direct any inquiries regarding this matter to PPDM at info@ppdm.org or 1-403-660-7817.