Data quality measurement
What does “quality” mean to E&P data management? Can we assess data as current, correct, complete, consistent, etc.? What metrics can assess the “quality” of data as it passes from user to user through the life cycle of the data and the business object? These questions lead to the creation of a work group in 2008. The work group developed the basis for gathering and sharing the industry’s rules. Data Rules development continues through the PPDM Association office and a volunteer Committee
Data rules
Thousands of data rules govern data management in E&P companies and governments. Because these rules are rarely documented, data transfer and integration are a difficult process. PPDM is gathering data rules that ensure expected quality. These will then be incorporated into business rules that guide data transformations and exchange transactions.
Best practices
The long-term goal is to assemble data rules that are recognized as the best practices for data managers. These rules can then be incorporated into contracts for data delivery and specifications for data exchange. They could be used to ensure compliance in regulatory reporting.