Canadian Well Identification System (CWIS Standard)

The Canadian Well Identification System (CWIS) has three related identifiers to recognize every well, wellbore and well reporting stream. It is intended chiefly for databases and computer systems that support business processes for all stakeholders.
Business processes and decisions require comprehensive and accurate information delivered in a timely manner. A standard system of permanent identifiers enables a data management system to fulfill this function. With the CWIS identifiers, every data item about every well can be managed from creation to delivery to archive for the benefit of all stakeholders.

The Canadian Unique Well Identifier (UWI) system, widely used for more than 40 years, is inadequate for managing databases of complex wells now and into the future. With the CWIS system, the UWI will be maintained to manage legacy data and systems.

Well Identification 
Canada Booklet

 (5.6M) - Summary


PDF (4.2M) - Full Detail