The Challenge
Most data professionals do not have access to a high quality, competency based professional development programs. The energy industry relies heavily on data that is shared and interchanged; the consequence to data capability and preparedness can be serious, including:
- Wasted time and effort (up to 30%) as
geoscientists, engineers, data scientists and
others struggle to find and prepare data for
analysis because dissonant and unprepared
data sources are not ready to use.
- Slow, inefficient and unverified learning
processes for new staff or re-skilling existing
staff, causing delays of up to four years for
full resource capability or poor resource
agility and portability.
- Patchy knowledge verification makes hiring
new staff, consultancies or contractors
- Variable data management knowledge and
practices for the stakeholder base
(operators, vendors, regulators, financers …)
resulting in poor communication, errors in
interpretation and critical data loss.
- Inconsistent data practices, resulting in data
dissonance and systems that need to be
“managed” over and over again.
- Under-used industry best practices, impacting
interoperability and data readiness for
analysis and interpretation.
The Opportunities
PPDM Association proposes a joint venture between multiple companies (invite only) to
contribute to the development of a Competency-Based Learning (CBL) Program.
Participation as sponsor and advisor will be limited to not more than 4 companies.